Welcome to Devon Custom Homes

DCH prides itself on thinking outside the box to help people realise their dream of owning unique, sustainable and affordable homes.

DCH delivers fully serviced plots, ready for self or custom build with turn-key options also available.

Sustainability and design quality are our driving forces – because building communities is better than just building houses.

Devon Custom Homes is your perfect partner

Our years of experience in Westcountry property development have allowed us to secure the land you want at a price you can afford, complete with all mains services installed and a plot passport to fast track the final stages of the planning process.
Our knowledge of the Government’s Help to Build equity loan scheme will enable you to access interest-free advances of up to 20% and there’s no VAT to pay on materials for self or custom build homes.
Low carbon technology such as building with solar panels and heat pumps is second nature to us and our architect partners offer a free initial consultation to help find the route through to build completion that’s best for you. Custom build, self build or turnkey homes, we cover all the options.

Our Simple 4 step process

Site selection

Identify which of our plots you love most

Project Finance

Market specialists Buildstore Mortgage Services can secure the right advice for finishing your project in style

Design & planning

Choose how involved you want to be


DCH will be on hand from first discussion through to project completion

Modern methods of custruction


Want to know more about successful approaches to custom or self build, or which construction method could be right for you?

Our expert Jeremy Christophers – an ambassador for the Right To Build Taskforce – will help you find the answers

Devon Custom Homes is born and bred in the county and we want a bright, secure and sustainable future for everyone who calls it home.
We are not about building identikit boxes for maximum profit, but instead passionate advocates for design excellence, affordability and working towards zero carbon.

That’s us, what about you?
Get in touch

Scott Smith


Scott has successfully delivered a number of residential building projects in the county and is committed to the practical delivery of custom and self build opportunities for all.

Scott and Jeremy are Devon born and bred

Jeremy Christophers

Custom Build Expert

Jeremy’s first self build home was completed while in his mid-twenties. His activity in the sector has led to him being an expert with the Right to Build Taskforce, an organisation that brings support to people wanting to build a better type of housing for themselves.

Self build is not just for the rich

About DCH

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Our experience and what we offer

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We Know What To Do

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Reviews From Our Satisfied Clients.

We believe in hard work and we don’t cut corners. We respect our clients and take responsibility for moving their belongings with great care.We respect our clients and take responsibility for moving their belongings with great care.

“Without a doubt, the movers are the best company in the world! They did amazing work, and they did it with a smile!”

“Book in advance - this was the best choice I had during the moving process. Believe me; they are worth it!"

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