Alternatives to identikit boxes and savings to be had

Your home
Your way

Self Build

A self build home is exactly that – you act as project manager and take on all the design, planning and construction processes.

It will require some graft but you’ll save the greatest amount of money and have the satisfaction of everything being done your way.

Custom Build

A custom build is more of a partnership. Choose an existing design or commission your own, then work with chosen experts to see the build through to completion.

The result will be a home designed around you, and probably still at a lower cost than buying an identikit box from a mainstream developer.

Turnkey Homes

Turnkey homes are ready for you to move in.

Specify your design preferences then relax and let the excitement build as the big day approaches and the keys are yours.

Government Equity Loans, VAT and CIL

Help to build

Both custom and self build homes qualify for the Help to Build Government Equity Loans, plus there’s no VAT on materials and no Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to pay

Help to Build is a government equity loan available to self and custom builders in England.
There are rules and qualifying criteria but it means you could get started with just a 5% deposit.
You’ll have three years to build and no interest is paid for the first five years.

The loan amount can be between 5 – 20% of the total estimated build cost up to £400,000.

Help to Build requires you to have a self build mortgage – ask us about BuildStore – with your lender releasing funds at various stages of the build.

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